Write your Memoir

If you are working on a personal memoir, or if you have always wanted to share a part of your life with other readers, but are having a hard time getting your ideas sorted out, then working with a book writing coach may be just the help you need to get your ideas down on the page and out the door to a willing publisher, or even publish it yourself.

It has been my experience that the challenge most new memoir writers face centers around understanding how a book is built – how it goes together so it makes the point you want it to make.

In my work I will help you understand how a book is built and help you work through those steps to develope a working outline you will use to flesh out the story.

This outline will help you find clarity and define your book idea. Instead of writing in circles and being left with more frustration than you have words on the page, you will have the confidence to move forward with a new found excitement for your important idea.

I am working on my book coaching certification and will be offering memoir outline services as soon as I have the certification in hand.

Look forward to my upcoming Memoir Outlining Program and the package I will be offering to beginning and aspiring memoir writers in the coming months.

Writing is an emotional process. And it is important to know how to stay motivated and focused as you bring your idea to life.

In the meantime consider thinking about your memoir in terms of your intention (why you want to write it), your story, and the audience you want to reach. These are key elements you need to consider when you start writing your book.

I look forward to discussing your memoir writing goals in the coming months.

If you have any comments or questions, please leave them in the comments section below, or email me directly at baughstenc@gmail.com for a casual discussion of your goals and plans for the book you have always wanted to write.

Happy writing!!