Welcome to my Website
As a relatively healthy and happy septuagenarian I began Welcome Future Years in Dec 2020 to help Seniors take full advantage of the years ahead in terms of wellness (here), security, adventure (here), and independent living (here).
One prominent theme for this website is my personal reflections on life and experiences. These reflections offer a glimpse into my world and provide insights into my thoughts about personal growth and development. (Find more here in the Welcome Journal)
I plan to share my thoughts and observations on family, relationships, aging, travel (here) and other aspects of living well as we grow into our future years.
How I got Started
My name is Dan and I am the guy who created this website. My personal health and wellness issues over the past five years including prostate cancer and a disabling stroke made me realize how important it is to make each day the best that it can be. A discussion with a friend made me realize just how many resources are available to retirees today to help make our future years much more enjoyable and fullfilling.
In spite of the difficulties Joni and I have enjoyed many exciting travel and life adventures together. We are both retired and believe you have to keep going even when times get rough.
It is my sincerest hope that everyone who reads my posts and explores the resources I mention will benefit either personally or by helping others make their future years the best that they can be. I know it may seem trite to say it, but life is what you make it.
We live in interesting times. I hope yours will be the best that they can be.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to join our community or send me an email at Dan@welcomefutureyears.com and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,